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Kairos Presents
Written by Betsy
Thursday, 20 January 2011 21:59

Periodically, the Kairos Consumers executive team has the opportunity to present findings and knowledge at seminars or through consumer research forums. Check "Kairos Presents" periodically for webinars, videos and other learnings relating to the diverse applications of consumer research methodologies.


Drexel University Lectures Give Students Real-Time Research Experience (2011 - Recurring)

Over the course of five years, Kairos Consumers Co-Founder, Dr. Aikaterini (Katerina) Makatouni has become a periodic lecturer at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Dr. Makatouni's presentation in 2010 was entitled "Qualitative or Quantitative Methods? Selection and Combination with Real World Cases". The class, Research Methods I, is taught by Theodore Katerinakis. In 2011, Dr. Makatouni returned to Drexel University to reprise her popular research seminar. Most recently, she engaged students in a real-time survey. Leveraging insights gained through recent Kairos independent research in the social media world, Dr. Makatouni designed a series of social media-related questions for the students to respond to in real time.

Kairos Consumers Presents at Cosmos Sports Seminar in Greece (December 2010)

In December 2010, Business Development Manager Maria Tsigoni presented at a seminar held by Greek sports retailing company Cosmos Sports. Ms. Tsigoni was asked to share consumer research findings relating to the state of social media usage, the application of social media in sports and some best practices. The interactive nature of the presentation allowed for a collaborative environment where Ms. Tsigoni shared best practices of sports powerhouse brands like Nike and adidas and the group was ablet to share their own "model brand" opinions.

"Jumping Feet-First into Online Qualitative Research" (October 2010)

In October 2010, Kairos Consumers co-founders Betsy Hoag and Katerina Makatouni presented a webinar entitled "Jumping Feet-First into Online Qualitative: How to take your First Project from Vision to Execution in Less than 30 Days" as part of the highly-acclaimed online qualitative education series by 20/20 Research, Inc. The session explored the advantages of the methodology and walked through how Kairos Consumers was able to successfully plan and excute several online qualitative projects within limited time frames. Learn more by listening to the complimentary recording at:

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 March 2015 14:14