New Kairos Study 5.0: Winners & Losers in U.S. Retailing (December 2011)
Are retail sales up dramatically since 2010, or was Black Friday a rare bright spot? Using an online panel questionnaire methodology, we posed questions relating to December 2011 spending to nearly 1,000 consumers across the U.S. The sample was representative of the general U.S. population. The survey results show the expected YOY change in December household spending across 13 specific retailers (WMT, TGT, BBY, KSS, M, JWN, JCP, AMZN, EBAY, KR, SVU, SWY, WFM). Moreover, respondents shared their online versus in-store spending breakdowns. This independent study is just a start. Contact us today for more information:
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Unique insights include:

Kairos Study 4.0: Greek Breakfast and Untapped Opportunities (June 2011)
Topics explored:

Kairos Study 3.0: The Greek Initiative (October 2010)
Kairos Consumers designed an independent study in partnership with the Panhellenic Exporters Association in order to take a close look at U.S. consumer perceptions toward both Greece and Greek products. The methodology involved in-depth interviews of consumers followed by both general and targeted consumer surveys. Findings focus on attitudes and willingness to purchase; categories of interest including olives, olive oil, feta cheese and wine. The study is available for download below. Please contact
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for more.
Topics explored:
How U.S. consumers view Greece/Greek products
Whether country of origin matters
Willingness to buy Greek food and drink
Greek products with best chance for success

ustainable does not necessarily equate to healthy, with consumers mainly equating the term to environmental measures
green movement remains rather undeveloped in foodservice, with the challenging involving finding an approach that is inclusive
Kairos Study: Consumer Foodservice in the U.S. (July 2010)
Kairos Consumers completed an independent study looking at U.S. consumer foodservice.
Three reports came out of the study (listed below), each priced at US$250
Kairos Learning 2.1: Restaurants and Menus - "Restaurants and Menus"
Topics explored:
Who wins in recessionary dining and what it means going forward
The necessity of an online presence and usage of social media
Defining the value of customization and smaller portions

Click here to buy the Learning
Kairos Learning 2.2: Kids Dining Experience - "Small Consumers, Big Business"
Kairos Learning 2.3: Sustainability in Consumer Foodservice - "Rainbow of Green"
Topics explored:
What exactly "sustainable" means to the foodservice consumer
The extent to which consumers buy into "going green"
Putting a price on sustainability
Click here to buy the Learning
sustainable does not necessarily equate to healthy, with consumers mainly equating the term to environmental measures
green movement remains rather undeveloped in foodservice, with the challenging involving finding an approach that is inclusive
Kairos Study: Natural and Organics in the U.S. (April 2010)
We took a close look at the natural and organic market now in the U.S.
Findings are published in a series of Learnings available for download.
Please contact
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for additional information.
Fresh Produce
Unique insights include:
How to communicate safety
When/why/how organic matters
Certifications that add value
Retailing that works
Unique insights include:
How to communicate trust
When/why/how organic matters
Retail positioning preferences
Branding that succeeds
Unique insights include:
How organic adds value
Trusted brands and retailers
What packaging should say
The organic consumer profile
Unique insights include:
Whether organic adds value
Purchasing factors prioritized
Trusted brands and retailers
The organic cosmetics consumer